Written by Brian B

How To Grow Prickly Pear Cactus

How To Grow Prickly Pear Cactus

The prickly pear is a surprisingly easy cactus to maintain and grow. Follow this guide to help your prickly pear thrive throughout the growing process.

Growing Prickly Pear Cactus

Eastern prickly pear cactus is extremely popular due to its ease of care. Prickly pears require a well-draining soil, planted in a spot receiving tons of sunlight daily. Refrain from adding too much water to the soil, and don’t be alarmed if the plant starts to deflate during the winter. This is a perfectly normal response to dormancy.

Here are a few tips for growing the cactus:

Sun Exposure

As is the case with most cacti, prickly pear does best with as much sunlight as possible, but preferably at least 8 hours of sunlight per day. If planted in hotter climates, prickly pear does have the ability to handle partial shade, as well. More exposure to sunlight will lead to a larger growth and more blooms to come in the spring and summer months.


The prickly pear cactus, of course, is extremely drought tolerant. This means whenever you are wondering about amount of water needed for your plant, remember this: less is better. In most areas, a typical rainfall will be more than enough water for the prickly pear. If you are entrenched in a drought, plan on watering the cactus every two to four weeks.


Plant the prickly pear cactus in a well-draining soil for it to grow and thrive. A mixture of dry, sandy or gravelly soil is your best bet. A mixture of clay can work as well, but it must drain easily and not retain a lot of moisture. Prickly pear can thrive in a neutral-to-acidic mixture with a 6.0-7.5 pH level.


Whenever the cactus is planted in garden soil outdoors, it will require no fertilizer at all. Indoors, though, the plant could use some occasional feeding. If the cactus doesn’t flower or starts to appear green, a well-balanced fertilizer should be applied to the plant.


As expected, the prickly pear prefers warm, dry weather. This cactus is more cold-hearted than most, though, surviving in temperatures as low as 14 degrees Fahrenheit. It is suggested to keep the cactus away from any humidity.

Prickly Pear Growing Tips

Use this guideline as you monitor the plant’s growth:

  • Mature size: 6-12 inches in height, 12-18 inches wide.
  • Soil type: Well-drained, sandy or mainly clay.
  • Soil pH: Neutral to acidic.
  • Flower color: Yellow.
  • Bloom season: Summer.

Prickly Pear Cactus For Sale

If you are interested in increasing the beauty of your landscape by buying desert plants, stop by our convenient location at 33840 N. Cave Creek Rd., in Cave Creek. For customers interested in our landscaping services, give us a call at (480) 488-9455 to schedule a visit to your home.

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