Written by Brian B

How Often To Water Succulents

How Often To Water Succulents

How often should you water your indoor or outdoor succulents? The answer to that question involves a variety of different factors. The biggest rule with watering succulents is to only water when the soil becomes bone dry. If the soil is not completely dry, then refrain from watering.

When To Water Succulents

There are four main factors that will affect watering patterns for your succulents, regardless if you keep the plant(s) indoors or outdoors.

Here are the factors to keep in mind:


It’s no surprise that succulents experience a ton of growth during both the spring and summer. This means you will have to water the succulents more often during this active time period. As new stems, leaves and roots grow, these plants pull water out of the soil at a very high rate. Depending on conditions like temperature and light, it is recommended to water the succulents three or more times per week during spring and summertime.

When the winter hits, growing will stop. You will only need to water the succulents once or twice during the entire winter season. One of the easiest ways to kill a succulent is to overwater it during the winter. Don’t make this mistake! Give your succulent the rest it deserves from November through March.


If your succulent receives ten or more hours of light per day, then it will require more water than a plant receiving less sunlight. Typically, outdoor succulents require more water than indoor succulents because of the amount of sunlight exposure.

Size Of Container

Contrary to belief, succulents residing in larger containers need less water because they feature more soil to hold moisture longer. Small and shallow containers will need be to watered more often since the soil will dry out quicker.


Humidity can become a factor in watering your succulents. Plants located in high humidity and cooler temperatures need less frequent watering than those in hot and dry climates. This is due to the fact that it will maintain moisture for longer periods of time. If you have your succulents on a patio, facing non-stop sunshine in a place like Arizona, then you should plan on watering daily.

Desert Plants For Sale

If you are interested in increasing the beauty of your landscape by buying desert plants, stop by our convenient location at 33840 N. Cave Creek Rd., in Cave Creek. For customers interested in our landscaping services, give us a call at (480) 488-9455 to schedule a visit to your home.

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