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Types of Cactus

Are you searching for “types of cactus” for sale near me? At Desert Foothills Gardens & Nursery, we have an enormous inventory of cactus. There are many types of cactus that can be grown in the hot Arizona desert. Some of these cacti we like to have to beautify our landscapes, both front and back yards. Whether you want a small golden barrel cactus or the larger cardon cactus, a little explanation of some of the types will help you decide which type of cactus is right for your yard.

Different Types Of Cactus In The Desert

Although there are many types of Cacti out there, we are going to cover some that are sold by Desert Foothills Gardens Nursery.

Easter Cactus

An Easter cactus is a succulent, spine free cactus with 2 to 3 inch long jointed segments. The segments are typically flattened, but older stems sometimes can become triangular. In between the segments and towards the tips are soft, small brownish bristles. At the edges of the segments are usually ringed with a purplish type of fringe. Easter cactus is easily grown as long as it receives bright light, but not necessarily blown out full sun, during the summer growing season. During the spring these cactus have vividly colored blooms.

Purple Prickly Pear Cactus

Indigenous to our Sonoran desert, the purple prickly cactus grows in bundles, usually about 4 ft tall by 5 ft wide. This cactus looks almost like a shrub. The large leaf pads grow a purple tint in the cooler, dry winter months. These leaf pads are covered with large, tan needles. Their flowers appear late in the spring, and are yellowish with red centers. Throughout the summer months, the pads are a soft bluish grey color. They grow bright yellow flowers, up to 3 inches in diameter that sometimes produce a purple to red fruit.

Saguaro Cactus

The saguaro cactus is comprised of tall, thick, fluted, column like stems,  around 18 to 24 inches in diameter, usually with several large arms curving upwards in the most distinctive arrangement of all the Southwestern desert cactus. The skin is usually a little waxy and smooth, and the stems and trunk typically have stout, two inch spines grouped around their ribs. When water is soaked up, the outer pulp of the cactus expands somewhat like an accordion, widening the diameter of the stem and, sometimes, can supersize its weight upwards of a ton.

Golden Barrel Cactus

Golden barrel cacti are usually found in either a somewhat cylindrical or barrel type shape. They are enveloped in large, thick spiky type thorns that are sometimes 2 to 3 inches long. These spikes not only helps the cactus collect moisture from the outside air but also protects the cactus. The golden barrel cactus needs to be fully in the sun for a greater part of the day in order to thrive. Vibrant flowers grow from the top of the cactus. These flowers don’t have any spikes or thorns on them. It is very possible for cactus to have fruit, but they are toxic to humans. The pulp of the golden barrel cactus can be used in making certain types of candy. In emergency survival situations, the cactus can be eaten to provide water and food for energy.

San Pedro Cactus/ Trichocereus

The San Pedro Cactus is a columnar type cactus that grows at a very fast rate. People have used San Pedro cactus for over 3,000 years for a wide assortment of uses: medicines, vet uses, spiritual healing, religious reasons, and of course ornamental purposes. The San Pedro is a cactus that typically has pillars that consists of 4 to 9 ribbons. It is a fast growing cactus and has a complex root system that shoots off from the base of the main stem. It will keep growing until it crumbles because of its own weight. Naturally, it will root again and start a whole new cactus. This type cactus yields white flowers at the end of their stems which bloom during the night.

Organ Pipe Cactus

The organ pipe cactus has long and black closely spaced spines that turn gray as they age. It blooms only at night, yields three-inch, funnel type flower that are somewhat pinkish-red with a white edge. These flowers open after the sun goes down and close during the daytime. After they flower, the cactus develops big, round, edible fruit that will at some point will lose its spines as it ripens. Its seeds are darkish brown and covered in a syrupy, bright red pulp. This cactus can live to be well over 150 years old, and will usually produce their first flower closer to the age of 35. When given the right conditions, these cactus can grow anywhere from 16 feet to 25 feet.

Cardon Cactus

The cardon cactus is the biggest cactus in the world, with a maximum recorded height of around 63 feet, a trunk diameter that can reach around 3 feet. Because of its chemical makeup and relationship with bacteria, the cardon cactus requires no soil to grow. Unlike the saguaro, the cardon cacti branches are closer to the ground and come in larger numbers. The cardon cactus can reach up to 300 years of age weigh over 25 tons. The trunk of the cardon is very spiny when it is young, but as it matures the spines eventually fall off, but very few get replaced by new ones.

Cactus For Sale Cave Creek, Arizona

If you are interested in increasing the beauty of your landscape by buying desert plants, stop by our convenient location at 33840 N. Cave Creek Rd., in Cave Creek. For customers interested in our landscaping services, give us a call at (480) 488-9455 to schedule a visit to your home.

Written by webtechs

Different Types of Water Fountains for Your Garden

Gardens are a nice place where you can relax and just enjoy the beauty of the outdoors and nature. It takes a lot of effort and time to create and implement a whole designed garden, but the money and time is well spent if you plan to spend a lot of time relaxing, working, and entertaining in your garden. Having a well-designed landscape can be a really nice investment as it can raise the curb appeal to your property. Adding containers, plants, paving, water features and sculptures are just a few ways that you can enhance your landscape. This article will focus on 5 different types of water fountains for your garden.

When you add a water fountain to your garden, it will change the whole feel and look. What was just simple and ordinary, is now a complete outdoor oasis. The flowing water sounds has a really relaxing effect as well as being known to attract birds and other wildlife, which changes the whole atmosphere. Fountains can also be the focal point of any garden or backyard.

Garden fountains come in a variety of sizes, styles, and materials. They can be tiered, freestanding, disappearing, or wall mounted. They can also be customized according to the space where it is install, the budget you have, and how much maintenance you plan to do. Most fountains are completely prefabricated.

Landscapers will normally follow this rule when they install fountains. They will use two fountains, one small and one big. The bigger fountain is the focal point while the small one is just an accent. There are other considerations to think about such as the type of garden where the fountain will be. Our professionals will be able to provide you with ideas and tips for adding the right type of fountain to your garden. Email or call us at 480-488-9455 today to help with your landscape design or installation.

Tiered Fountain

Tiered fountains are really popular and have been used in gardens for centuries. These fountains are really popular in countries like Italy and Spain and are normally placed in plazas and courtyards. The design of a tiered fountain can be complex or simple such as carvings of people, animals and more.

Tiered fountains look great in a classical or traditional setting. The fountain needs to look as if it has been there for years and the color should blend in with the paving.

Disappearing Fountain

This water feature is called the pondless fountain. The water reservoir is hidden beneath the ground and it looks great when it is positioned near a path or patio, as it gives a really attractive appearance and sound to the whole area. Some of the popular styles are ceramic urns, natural looking waterfalls, millstones, and granite column as well as other styles.

The disappearing fountain can be great for your garden for the following reasons:

  • It takes up little space and can be installed virtually anywhere. It is great for small backyards and patios.
  • It requires little maintenance. Debris, leaves, and dirt can’t enter the reservoir and the sun can’t grow algae.
  • Since the water body is underground, the water won’t evaporate. So, less water is used when compared to a traditional fountain.
  • The reservoir is underground, so there isn’t an open basin or pond, so there isn’t a drowning risk. It is safe for children.

Japanese Fountain

Every Japanese garden will have a fountain. It symbolizes physical and spiritual cleansing, and so they are located at the entrance of the home or temple. Japanese fountains have simple designs and the focus is on the water instead of the basin.

A fountain that has a bamboo spout may be installed. The water trickles from the spout into the basin, which is made from stone. It will have jagged edges and will look old and weathered by outdoor elements. This type of fountain appears to be in harmony with the nature that surrounds it, so it will be installed around rocks and surrounded by ferns and evergreen plants. This type of fountain is more than just decor or an ornament.

Another type of idea is to install the stone fountain on a gravel bed and then surround it with rocks and live bamboo. As the years go by, moss will grow on the stones and it will begin to look like a part of the landscape.  Those who have a lot of open space, will often consider having a large water feature. They will be able to create a meandering stream or pond and then add fish, mainly koi to it. It isn’t always necessary to have water inside of the fountain. Most Japanese gardens will use stones, sand, and gravel to represent water. These gardens will also have flat stones from rivers which will be tightly laid together to make it look like a moving stream of water.

Wall Fountain

Wall fountains look great on a small patio or in a courtyard since it gives the sense of relaxation. This type of fountain doesn’t take up a lot of space and can be customized to fit on a certain wall. It does require a pump, internal tubing, water basin and a spout. It can be mounted or freestanding and the styles include Asian, antique, modern or traditional.

Having a freestanding wall fountain also known as a floor fountain is very large. The basin is place on the ground.  A wall mounted fountain, is integrated on an existing wall or built into a new wall. The fountain adds a cohesive look which makes it look like it is part of the landscape instead of just an added feature and the natural look is like a work of art.

Self-Contained Fountain

Self-contained fountains are really popular because they can be installed easily and are affordable. They have all the working parts that include the pump and plumbing needed to function. Self-contained may also refer to the fountains that have their own reservoir and don’t have to be placed in a pool or pond.

These fountains are great for patios and decks since installation is easy and quick and they don’t require any construction. This also ensure that it is simple to move it to another place.  In order to install the fountain, the landscaper will ensure that the land is level. If the ground is uneven, then it will be leveled and compacted. The fountain will then be placed and water added to it. Then it will be connected to a power source like batteries, outlet, or solar panel.

Self-contained fountains are convenient because there isn’t a need for external plumbing, connection to water, or piping. It can be placed anywhere in the garden, but most are used as a focal point. They may be made from fiberglass, ceramic, metal, cast stone as well as other materials.

Phoenix Valley Landscape Consultants

Desert Foothills Gardens Nursery, Inc. offers expert planning and installation of new landscapes for Phoenix valley residents. From Cave Creek to Mesa and anywhere in between we help our friends in Arizona design the most relaxing and beautiful outdoor spaces. Ensure that you consult one of our landscaping professionals for advice with getting the perfect look for your garden. Call Desert Foothills Gardens Nursery, Inc. at 480-488-9455 for more information on our fountains.

Written by webtechs

Desert Landscaping Phoenix

Phoenix is hot and dry for much of the year. With limited natural rainfall water is a precious resource. Desert landscaping in Phoenix is more than just about saving water, it is the art of creating beautiful and low maintenance landscapes that flatter residential and commercial properties.

Simply tearing out the grass and dumping a few truckloads of gravel on your property might cut down on water usage, but lacks in visual appeal and can impact your property value. Planning, plant selection, and overall design is key to starting right and achieving the look that will add value to your property.

Planning and Landscape Design

Having a plan in place helps home and business owners get the best look for their landscape. It also helps with planning for function, cost of construction, maintenance requirements, aesthetic preferences, and the water efficiency of the landscape. Design phases and choices can be tailored to fit the budget, tastes and needs for each individual property. Many owners like to do improvements in phases to help spread the cost of switching over to desert landscaping. Having the plan in place will make the process more affordable and help prevent costly mistakes and excessive time.

Desert Plant Selection

There are deserts all over the world and there is a wide selection of both transplant and native plant species. Desert Foothill Gardens carries hundreds of low water use desert plants that thrive in our hot and dry environment. While the native plants have been available for many years, new species of desert plants are always making their way to Arizona and can and the unique, one of a kind flair to your landscape.

The desert plants come in all sizes and shapes and can serve a wide variety of functions. They can serve to provide a burst of color at time of year, screen off and hide unsightly areas, and even provide shade in your landscape. These plants can feature other worldly shapes and amazingly bright and vibrant colors in flowers that bloom. Best of all these plants require significantly less water than traditional plants you find in other regions of the country.

Limited Grass Turf Areas

While true desert landscapes rarely feature grass areas, it isn’t always desirable for Phoenix residents to completely give up their lawns. Lawns do require more water than desert landscapes, but they can be limited to smaller spaces that flatter the landscape and provide areas for children or sports minded family members to still have a place to play. Selection of grass species and efficient watering equipment and schedules help manage the water usage of these features in your landscape.

Intelligently Efficient Irrigation

All new plants require regular watering to help them get established in their new homes. This is especially true in the desert and careful planning will help you get your desert plants established and create a plan for sufficient, but minimal watering as they mature. The key in creating water plan is knowing the water requirements for the plants you have chosen to put in your landscape. This element can greatly influence the choices some homeowners make when selecting plants for their landscape to achieve absolutely minimal water usage.

Planning your watering system will include having separate values for your groundcovers, shrubs, trees, and turf areas. They all require a different amount of water and simply having one valve will use more water than many of the plants require and create a less efficient system. Watering can generally be reduced as plants age over the first couple of years and especially during the cooler months. In fact your watering schedule should be adjusted for all of the seasons.

Mulch For Water Retention

Desert landscapes frequently include the use of mulch to help the soil retain moisture. In addition to helping the soil stay cool mulch also helps prevent erosion and the growth of weeds. In Phoenix the most popular types of mulch or wood grindings and bark chips. These materials are used in planting beds and sometimes to frame walkways. Flowers, leaves, and fruit can also be allowed to stay on the ground in desert landscapes and add to the natural mulch that will help minimize water consumption. Inorganic mulches are also widely popular and are made from crushed rock and decomposed granite.

Desert Landscaping in Phoenix

Desert Foothills Gardens Nursery, Inc. has been Phoenix’s source for design, plan selection, and maintenance since 1985. We have a team of experts that help with the overall plan for your desert landscape that includes plant selection, design, irrigation, and water management strategies. If you are interested in seeing how Desert Foothills Gardens Nursery, Inc. could provide a low maintenance and low water use landscape at your home or business either stop our nursery at 33840 N. Cave Creek Rd. in Cave Creek or give us a call at 480-488-9455.


Written by webtechs

Sonoran Desert Landscape Rocks

If you are searching “Sonoran Desert Landscape Rock Phoenix” or something like them,such as decorative flagstone, Grand Canyon boulders or minerals, Desert Foothills Gardens Nursery, Inc can help! For sonoran desert landscape rock call us today at 480-488-9455. Our selection of Sonoran desert landscape rock is extensive enough to fit and flatter the aesthetic of any outdoor space.

Desert Landscape Rock

Desert Foothills Gardens Nursery, Inc. has a huge selection of attractive rocks, boulders, and minerals. We have rocks and boulders that come in many sizes and we are sure we can help you find the right rocks and minerals to suit your outdoor living areas. Our inventory changes daily so we recommend visiting our nursery and seeing our rocks and minerals in person!


Flagstone is a generic description of a flat stone that is usually used in building and landscaping. It is a sedimentary stone that is cut into thin layers, letting it to be used in a lot of applications. Flagstone is a sandstone that usually contains feldspar and quartz, often bound together with calcium, silica or iron oxide. This type of stone if called flagstone because they are usually split easily into flat pieces that can be used to pave walkways, cover walls and serve in any number of creative home and landscaping uses.


Thundereggs are a nodule-like rock, not unlike a geode, that is commonly created inside rhyolitic volcanic ash layers. Usually thundereggs have an outer layer that is concentric but the center material is layered as if they were a sedimentary layer. Agates are not volcanic, even though they are usually found in volcanic rock, simply because they tend to have a lot of open cavities and are a valuable source of dissolved silica. Most are about the size and shape of a tennis or baseball, and they commonly have a brownish or gray rind which is irregular like a cauliflower and marked by a simple pattern of several noticeable ridges.


Azurite acquires its name from its glorious azure-blue color, which makes it a very popular and familiar mineral. Azurite has deep distinct shades of blue, which are drawn out from its fusion with Malachite, a closely related mineral that consists of almost the same chemistry.

Petrified Wood

Petrified wood are tree or tree like plants that have entirely turned to stone over long periods of time. All the organic matter in the tree is replaced by minerals, mainly silica, leaving a lot of the features such as tree rings that are still distinguishable. Petrified wood can also be used to calm down fight or flight fears. Petrified wood were treasured in the past as they were believed to contain the wisdom from the tree in which they were created.


Onyx is a type of sedimentary stone created deep in caves from micro-crystalline quartz, developing into stalactites and stalagmites. It is more fragile than other types of stone, affected by both chemical and abrasive degradation, therefore acceptable for low traffic areas or for a vertical use. Onyx is favored for its transparency; its elegance can be brightened by being back lit. It has colors ranging from tanish neutrals, to white, all the way to dazzling blues, reds, and greens.


Jasper is commonly treated as a micro-crystalline; sometimes, however, it is put it in a group by itself within the quartz family because of its grainy type structure. The most familiar patterning in jasper include impressive marbling and veining, some types orbital rings, lines, spots, striping and striating.


Chrysocolla is a copper like stone, with colors varying from light greens to deep blues, and is usually associated with Malachite and Azurite. Chrysocolla has many healing properties, such as a calming effect. It is also said to empower women, and helps keep people  mellow.


Calcite builds up and enhances energy. This makes it an perfect stone for distance healing, as well as other kinds of healing. Calcite combines with other minerals to create limestone which is then used in construction projects. This calcite form of calcium carbonate is found in all types of rock.


Granite is a light-colored igneous rock with grains large enough to be seen with the naked eye. It develops from the slow crystallization of magma just below Earth’s surface. Granite comes in varying colors, commonly pink to gray or occasionally black. Granite is a natural stone that took mother nature millions of years to create and exists in just about every part of the world.

Green Calcite

Imported from Africa, Brazil, India, and Mexico — Calcium Carbonate, commonly known as “green calcite”— is a stone admired both aesthetically and medicinally that is often administered to the heart chakra in crystal therapy. Calcite makes up a significant part of limestone and marble.  It is an incredible stone to make use of for those who raise and tend to gardens.

Landscaping Rocks Arizona

If you are interested in increasing the beauty of your landscape by buying desert rocks, stop by our convenient location at 33840 N. Cave Creek Rd., in Cave Creek, give us a call at (480) 488-9455 to schedule a visit to your home.

Written by webtechs

Arizona Xeriscape Gardening

Xeriscape Landscape in Arizona

Arizona is home to one of the most unique and extreme climates in the world. Living here offers one of a kind benefits and challenges alike, all of which effect several areas of daily life. Being that our focus is gardening and outdoor spaces, we are going to focus on how the unique climate can work to your advantage when it comes to cultivating your outdoor spaces. The climate in Arizona is very dry which can make traditional gardening both laborious and expensive due to the cost of the constant watering. While it is completely possible to cultivate a lush, thriving, and beautiful garden using conventional methods, it takes a trained green thumb to truly succeed and master the Arizona climate.

There is an alternative style of gardening that not only thrives easily in the arid Arizona climate, but also requires little to no maintenance in order to keep your desert plants alive and healthy. This alternative is call Xeriscape. The reason for Xeriscape being such a viable option for outdoor spaces in Arizona is the fact that all of the plants used in this style of gardening are native to the region.

The advantage of using native plants is the fact that they are designed to live and flourish in desert southwest. This means that the plants all have an incredible capacity for retaining water due to the natural scarcity of rain throughout the year with the exception of the monsoon season. Once planted, you will literally only need to water you plants when you feel like it. These plants can store water for more than a year if necessary and will be perfectly fine if they have to do so.

The aesthetic appeal of Xeriscape gardens lies in the simplicity and effective use of space. There are natural spaces between plants in Xeriscapes that leave room for artistic additions such as sculptures or glass works. Water features, like fountains are also great additions to Xeriscape outdoor spaces as they add a great degree of atmosphere by adding the audio element of the trickling and bubbling water.

You can place bird feeders and baths in order to attract some of our avian friends to you garden for a visit. Benches and entertainment areas are easy to incorporate into your Xeriscapes where that process could be more cumbersome with conventional gardening which usually fosters more crowded planting beds. Get creative and use this unique climate that we live in to manifest an amazing, one of a kind garden that will enhance your home and property tremendously.

There are many benefits to utilizing a Xeriscape style of gardening if you live in a desert climate like we do. The lack of cost and maintenance alone are amazingly appealing and beneficial, but the fact the Xeriscape is so visually eye catching and versatile make this style almost a no-brainer for would be Arizona gardeners. There are plenty of knowledgeable resources in the Valley when it comes to Xeriscape and finding the plants for your garden is as easy as performing an internet search. Desert Foothills Gardens Landscape Nursery, Inc. is a great source for all things gardening in the Southwest, give us a call today at 480-488-9455, and see what we can do for you.


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